Thursday, August 11, 2011

Greatness Is Not By Chance

During the past year, I've experienced a major "shifting" in my life.
I use the word "shifting" as opposed to "shift" because it is actively taking place, even as I type.
You  might not understand what I'm talking about so let me help you understand.

Over the past two years I've experienced the following (not necessarily in this order, but pretty close)...
  • Sold a house; moved into an apartment
  • Got divorced
  • Was laid off from a job
  • Started developing a small business
  • Started my natural hair journey
  • Started this blog
  • Turned 30
  • Wrote a book about that hair journey
  • Used public assistance (unemployment) to support myself
  • Developed new friendships/relationships that will be lifelong
  • Strengthened old relationships
  • Applied for countless jobs
  • Interviewed for some great positions
  • Applied for and accepted to a PhD program
  • Hired for a management position at a major globally acclaimed institution

These are just a few of the life changes I've recently experienced. 
Not to mention that my personal life has taken quite a few interesting turns of its own. 
So, I choose to say, instead of saying I've experienced problems or challenges, that my life is shifting.

During a shift, there are some things that happen in our lives that cause us to STOP in our idea of movement and take a look at what is happening in our lives and around our lives. 

If you remember, as a child, standing on a carousel that is moving, you remember that if you moved too much during the movement of the carousel you would get dizzy and often stumble and sometimes even fall down. 
So, normally, you would stand still and hold on to one of the poles that supported the carousel animals.

The purpose of the shift in life is to prepare us to walk in our purpose and destiny.
I am a believer that greatness is not an accident and doesn't JUST happen.
There is purpose in everything that happens in our lives that leads us to a place of purpose and destiny.
In other words, stop trying to figure out why you're going through life's shift and just hold on.
Many times, we feel that we must "keep it moving."
Our culture makes those of us who are ambitious, goal-oriented and purpose-driven feel that we need to constantly move so that we won't be left out or left behind.

But sometimes movement actually means standing still and allowing movement to take place around us and shift our current position in life.  It doesn't mean that we aren't always thinking, conceptualizing and dreaming, but it just means that we take the time to stop and see where we are and use that view to help us figure out the next move. 

Just like that carousel that is moving even while we are standing still; life is similar. 
Sometimes life is moving all around us and as we stand still we are able to see different perspectives as it moves.
The position in life where we are walking in purpose and living our dreams, sometimes requires that our perspective change.  We don't always SEE things the way we need to see, so when we are able to stop and watch the movement around us, our eyes are opened in a new way.
We are able to define who we are and what it is we are here on Earth to do.
Each of us has a divine purpose, which is great in one way or another, but often, life's circumstances and situations cause us to lose sight of that purpose and we end up moving our feet but not walking in or on purpose.

You are on the brink of greatness and there is something that you must SEE before you can take the actions that will eventually lead you to greatness.
So, stand still, hold on, keep dreaming, see what you need to see, then ACT accordingly.

Your destiny is not going to be by chance...
It's on still, so you can walk into it!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fight the Urge....

"Wash and Go" Style
aka "Bunny Puff"
Easy style for hot, summer, "go with the flow" days!!!  

So, I'm sure you've realized by now that we are on a "downward slope" to the end of 2011.
The year is over halfway complete and we are cruising through summer at a pretty good pace.

Right about now, many of you are making to-do lists filled with plans for fall, planning holidays and end of year vacations. 
You're making lists of things to buy your children for the beginning of the school year and you're already focusing on some changes you need to make for 2012.
But, really, you can determine how fast life is moving for you.

And all of this planning can become very overwhelming when you think about where you are now and what you have to do to get to where you want to be (whew, that was a mouthful)!!!
But, I would advise you to FIGHT THE URGE to jump ahead and plan every single day and week of the next 52 weeks of your life!!

Sometimes we miss out on valuable (an invaluable) interactions, experiences, moments, and opportunities because it wasn't in our "plan!" 
Just during the past year of my life, I've met so many people and experienced some randomly occuring blessed moments because I decided to ditch the plan for the day or week.

Through hardship and life's turmoil, I've learned to GO WITH THE FLOW.
Sometimes, even our very plan, is against life's natural flow.
Sometimes, life and the Spirit is telling us to just follow and go with the flow.
Don't worry so much about where you're going and what to do, just enjoy the journey and you'll get to where you need to be.

This is certainly evident in my life right now.
As I continue to cultivate my personal relationships with God and loved ones, start a PhD program, a new career and continue to grow my business, I'm constantly reminded that sometimes the FLOW is not in the PLAN.

Disclaimer:  I'm not suggesting that we don't need to set goals. I'm a very goal oriented person and I think when we have goals we are able to focus on our purpose and make a greater impact on our life and the lives of others.  But, our plan needs to be in line with the way your life is moving.
We get so lost in our own agenda that we don't pay attention to the direction our life is actually taking us.

So, like I stated earlier, some of us miss out on so many opportunities to experience joy and growth because we weren't sensitive to what our life was telling and showing us.

So, as we move forward with the rest of the year, I'd advise you to pay attention to your heart, mind and spirit and fight the urge to plan, plan, plan.

My PLAN for the rest of 2011 is to move with, not against, the flow of my life's current!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Take Baby Steps!!!

I want my hair to grow. That is my current hair journey goal.
So, the other day, I was standing at the sink twisting my hair and going through my usual routine of massaging my scalp with castor oil and finger combing and conditioning the ends of my hair. 
As I stood there looking at myself in the mirror, I began to think about my upcoming birthday.

On 7/24/11, I'll be 31 years old.
But, as I thought about birthdays, I thought about the fact that by the time my birthday arrives, I would have already completed my 31st year of life. 

So, in actuality, on my birthday, I will begin my 32nd year of life.
Then, I just began to think about how much life is really a process and journey.
We have to go through whatever process we are faced with, in order to get the title associated with what we've accomplished.
When we were born, we didn't instantly become 1 year old.  We had to spend that first year in stages and each month we got a little closer to the completion of that very first year of life. 
But, ultimately, on our 1st birthday, we and everyone else in our lives, celebrated the fact that we made it!

So, as we walk through life, we must remember that we have to go through many processes in order to have the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishment!!!
Sometimes we want to put the cart before the horse and gain title and recognition before we go through the process. 
But, once we go through the process, then we obtain the title, we rejoice in our accomplishment, and we prepare to begin the next phase of the process!

God gives us the ability to dream big and have a vision for our lives.  But sometimes we want to jump straight to it without walking through each and every step.  If you find yourself being impatient with the process, then remember my example of the infant going through his or her first year of life.  At every phase there were milestones and lessons learned.  They learned to sit up, crawl, stand up on their own, move from formula to more solid food, some even began walking unassisted.  But at each phase, there was progress.  It wasn't always about getting to that first birthday party, but it was about enjoying the journey along the way.

That's what I believe God wants us to do.  He wants us to commit our ways unto Him, trust Him with our vision and let Him lead us and guide us while we enjoy the journey!

Sooo, as I continue to work on GROWTH in all areas of my life, I can practice patience and perseverance knowing that I am going through a process and each step is getting me closer to that day of rejoicing and celebration! 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Classic Natural Style

So, I'm committed to keeping this blog about my hair journey and not just another hair blog.
But, I was thinking the other day about all of the "how-to" questions I get from friends, and even strangers, about my hair and various styles.

I decided to do this post as a way to give some insight into my "process" of styling my hair.
I generally wear the same styles on a regular basis (unless I get my braider, Natasha, to do something special for me). 
The styles I choose are generally low and easy maintenance and allow me the opportunity to wear one style for a longer period of time.
So, here I will feature some basic instructions for a simple braid-out that I did last week.
I was really pleased with the results.

Tropic Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil Shampoo
Darcy's Botanicals Vanilla Leave-in Conditioner
Oyin Handmade Burnt Sugar Pomade

STYLE:  Braid-Out

1.  After Shampooing my hair (with the castor oil shampoo) and applying Darcy's leave in conditioner throughout, I sectioned my hair (as you can see I don't part my hair at all!).
NOTE:  For this style, I didn't use a wash-out conditioner because the leave-in conditioner does really well on my hair and the burnt sugar pomade is all oil based and acts as a humectant which seals in moisture. 
2.  I made sure each section was still wet with conditioner (and an occasional spritz of my water and vegetable glycerin mix - from my water bottle), used the burnt sugar pomade and distributed it throughout.
3.  I finger combed each section to ensure that it was detangled.
4.  Then, I braided (or plaited as we say down south) each section...when I got to the end, I twisted the ends around my finger.

 I don't like parting, but if you want to part, be my guest!  :-)

HA HA HA...don't laugh at my facial expression....I had to add shock value for the before and after!  LOL

SO, this is the result after sleeping in the braids overnight.  I took out each section and fluffed it to get the desired "bigness." 

The first 2 nights of this style I rebraided big sections, but after those two nights, I pulled it all back at night then the next day, released it and made it a pretty big fro....

I really like this style because it is simple to achieve and relatively low maintenance.
Feel free to hit me up on Facebook (Margaret A. Brunson) or Twitter @MBisFree for more questions!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Not just another "me, too"

Recently, I met with 2 retired executives with SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) to receive some free business counseling for my consulting firm. As they gave their recommendations one of them talked about finding your niche. As he talked about setting yourself apart and figuring out what you do better than anyone else, he quickly stated, "don't just be a me too."
I actually stopped to think about what he was saying and once I realized what he said I immediately grabbed on to the application of that statement in my life.

We all have gifts, talents and abilities. But we have to use those unique gifts in ways where we stand out and apart from everyone else. As a special creature made by God, we each have a distinct place in the Earth. So it's up to us to find that place. Plenty of people can sing. But what sets the talent of someone like Jennifer Hudson apart from another gifted singer. Alot of times it's drive and the willingness to step out and pursue a dream or goal.

I don't want to just be a "me, too" who goes through life doing what everyone else does. I want to be set apart and special.

Even when it comes to my personal style and image I want to stand out for my uniqueness and confident approach to my physical appearance. Don't just be a "me, too."

Time to #standout #justsaying

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Your Life is Speaking...Are You Listening?

It has been a while since I've posted anything.
I mean, it isn't because I haven't been inspired.
There's so much to write about!

From the British Royal Wedding to the Arnold S. case to the early extreme heat wave going through North Carolina right now.
Also, there have been local bear sightings, devastating tornadoes and of course, Garner NC's own Scotty McCreery in the final two on American Idol.

But, this really isn't that type of blog. 
This blog is dedicated to inspiration and encouragement and I do that through my own thoughts, daily experiences and revelations about my hair journey.

So, today, I was inspired to write after watching Oprah's final show after 25 years on air as The Oprah Winfrey Show.

She said so many things that were inspirational, thought-provoking, prophetic, informational and encouraging.
There were quite a few things she said that will resonate with me for days to come because I find myself in a place, right now, to receive what she said and apply it to my life.
However, one thing she said really stuck with me and I wanted to share my thoughts about it.

Oprah talked about how we all have a voice in our spirit that speaks to us.  And when we are still and listen to that voice, we will obtain guidance for our lives.  She mentioned that when she has tried to do things on her own or made mistakes it was because she didn't listen to that voice.
She said we all have this voice and it is God and our life speaking to us and it is up to us to listen.

I'm very much in THE "listening lesson" of my life right now.   
There are things I've asked of God to do in my life and I'm at a point now where I believe things are moving in the direction they're supposed to.
I'm absolutely confident that I'm on the brink of a major shift towards greatness and influence.  I've asked God for growth this year and when something is growing, it is stretching.  Growth is sometimes very uncomfortable. 
When children grow, it means they have to buy new clothes and shoes because the old clothes no longer fit.  When plants grow, sometimes it means re-potting that plant to place it in a larger plant where it has room to keep growing.
So, as an individual who is growing, I am going to be uncomfortable.
When I don't listen to what my life is saying, I start to become discouraged and doubt that my life is headed in the direction of growth, change, success, and greatness.
I can even see my life and the things that are happening that are "falling into place" according to my vision and hope, but because I'm still unemployed, have no stable income and slowly growing a business, I get discouraged. 

That voice in my life, just like Oprah mentioned, is God.
God IS my life.

So, what is my life saying to me?

My life is telling me:
"Trust and follow.
Stop trying to plan it all out.
Just trust and follow.
I have everything worked out for your good and when you begin to truly trust and follow, you will start to see where I'm taking you.
Even though certain areas of your life are in "lack" right now, I have still blessed you with abundance overall.
You have family and friends who love you.
I have placed you in an environment with people who encourage, nurture, challenge and push you to do everything I called you to do.
So, stop worrying.
Trust and follow.
You are going to see, soon enough, what I have in store for you."

My response:
"I hear you."

Your life is speaking, are you listening?
- Spiritually Natural

Sunday, May 1, 2011

An Acceptable Sacrifice

So, it's the first day of May!  WOW!
I'm so excited about the Spring season.
I definitely went through a WINTER season of my life this year and I'm ready for the newness that Spring brings.
There are opportunities on the horizon and plenty of blessings on the way from above!
It's so exciting to think about the beautiful sunshine, flowers, and warm breezes throughout the entire day!
Not to mention, the chirping of the birds and sights and sounds of children playing outside after school.

For me, the Spring season brings an opportunity to RENEW my commitment to spiritual growth. 
Two years ago this month, I cut out the last of my relaxer and started this New Growth hair journey!
I was in transition prior to that, but the day I cut out the last 3 inches of my relaxed hair was the beginning of a NEW me.
I continue my hair journey, but now it's time for another type of transformation...but, still New Growth.

NOW, I'm commiting myself to a healthier lifestyle. 
I'm ready for change in my mind, BODY, and spirit.
This process begins with a mental and spiritual commitment to living a healthier lifestyle by gaining discipline and making healthier choices with nutrition and exercise.

What does this mean for ME?
I've made the DECISION to live healthier.
And just like any other DECISION in our lives, there will be pros and cons.
But, it means that I'm going to choose healthier foods to eat, and commit to a more active lifestyle through exercise.
By eating more nutrient dense fruits and vegetables and choosing lean proteins and low and no fat dairy products, limiting sugar and fat intake and exercising regularly, I will transform!
I'm not going to put pressure on myself to "lose weight" because if I focus on my health, weight loss will be the end result, in addition to healthier hair, clearer skin, and numerous other health benefits.
When we focus on the right thing, benefits are inevitable. 

It's like the scripture Matthew 6:33 that says "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (NIV).  When we seek to please God and live according to His definition of what is righteous and what is good, then everything that is supposed to happen in our lives will.  He will take care of us when we focus on Him!

My spiritual journey will now include this new commitment.
I present my body as a living sacrifice....

Romans 12 (New Living Translation)

A Living Sacrifice to God
 1 And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Stay tuned for updates and feel free to send me encouragements, healthy eating tips, etc...
Facebook: Margaret A. Brunson
Twitter: @MBisFree