I got my hair straightened on Friday so that I could get it cut.
I wanted to get some of it cut and also since my highlights were growing out, I decided to go ahead and get the rest of the color cut out.
So, it was straight and I went through the entire weekend worrying about keeping it straight. I would flat iron it and the humidity would hit it and it would get puffy.
It was so uncomfortable having to worry about how my hair looked and making sure it kept its style.
I was also worried about continuing to flat iron it because I don't want my hair to stay straight and not be able to go back to its natural texture.
I woke up this morning around 4:45am and couldn't go back to sleep.
So, I decided to get up and twist my hair...When I wet my hair and saw my natural curls I was actually happy.
I felt like myself again. I much rather wear my hair natural than straight.
The message for me in all of this is, I've come to embrace my "new self." Straight hair is a reminder of the old me...always worried about how I look...so self-conscious about appearance and making sure that every hair is in its proper place. So worried that I'll look bad if my hair isn't perfect. I don't live that way anymore. My natural hair is a crown for me. Through this hair journey, I've found confidence and a sense of self that I've never experienced before. I LOVE the way I feel about myself and it shows.
So, I rather be true to who I've become and who I am than to try to go back and forth with something that's really not me.
I know it's good to be versatile and flexible, but straight hair (for me) is so overrated right now. It's conventional, regular, and hard for me to maintain.
And maybe I'll revisit the straight look later, but for now, I think I'll keep flowing naturally!!!
The message for you...Be YOU! Once you realize who you are, be that! Don't allow pressures to look like others or be like others cause you to veer from who you know you really are! Dare to be unique and to be the individual that you were created to be. Others will be blessed as a result of you being true to who you are.
Currently, I'm twisting my hair with a combination of Carol's Daughter Loc Butter and Miss Jessie's Curly Buttercreme. I like the texture of both of these products and when combined they cause my hair to be soft and full of sheen/shine.
I like the twist out style because it gives a little length to my curls and is a cute everyday style.